Like what we are doing? Help us by donating

We'd love your support in helping us by donating, so we can build a better future for our children

As a non-profit organization in the State of Texas, Maximum Exposure Learning Services, Inc. has its 501(c)(3) certification and will provide the same at your request.

What your donations mean to our organization

With the help of your donations, you all allow us to provide essential materials, such as backpacks, writing utensils, and more, to children who are in need of them.

With donations, you all support us with helping students who really need the support to succeed in life.

What your donations mean to our team

Your donations bring us joy because it lets us know that there are people out there who believe in our cause. It also lets our team continue to do what we love to do, which is to help students who are in need of help.